G'day guy's
Here's the deal:
txtTitle, txtGenre, txtAlpha
for reporting purposes I am using txtalpha to filter the txtTitle A-Z
although it was a little trickier with numbers as it will display a
different numeral category for each title that has a different title eg 12
Monkeys or 28 Days Later etc to get around this I have been inputing each
Alpha using # to represent titles that start with a numeral.
I was thinking that it could be done in the After_Update of txtTitle,
something like this.
Private Sub Title_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Title.{firstcharacter} = <Letter> Then
Me.Alpha = Left([Title], 1)
If Me.Title.{firstcharacter} = <Number> Then
Me.Alpha = "#"
End Sub
Now I am fully aware that the sytax structure isn't %100 accurate, but I
think you will get the drift
Here's the deal:
txtTitle, txtGenre, txtAlpha
for reporting purposes I am using txtalpha to filter the txtTitle A-Z
although it was a little trickier with numbers as it will display a
different numeral category for each title that has a different title eg 12
Monkeys or 28 Days Later etc to get around this I have been inputing each
Alpha using # to represent titles that start with a numeral.
I was thinking that it could be done in the After_Update of txtTitle,
something like this.
Private Sub Title_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Title.{firstcharacter} = <Letter> Then
Me.Alpha = Left([Title], 1)
If Me.Title.{firstcharacter} = <Number> Then
Me.Alpha = "#"
End Sub
Now I am fully aware that the sytax structure isn't %100 accurate, but I
think you will get the drift