OK - that's a step forward. A reference for that error number simply says
it means that "all updates failed" (duh!)
There was a time during beta2 when this error was fixed by downloading an
optional Root Certificates update on Windows 2000 machines. However, that
should be irrelevant now, because there should no longer be (many) Windows
2000 machines running Windows Defender.
I'm not getting anywhere fast looking into this, and I suspect you'll be
better off with folks who know WindowsUpdate better than I do.
They will probably want to see an excerpt from the WindowsUpdate.log file on
your system.
Here's how to provide that--in fact, you might just provide it when you
first post.
1) Open Windows Defender and go to Help, Check for updates. Note the time
on the clock when that check begins, and wait until it completes or the
error message comes up. Then:
Click on Start, Run, and put in:
notepad %windir%\windowsupdate.log
This may be a very large file, depending on how often you check for updates.
Scroll all the way to the end of the file, then scroll back up to the time
that you noted when you did the check for updates. Delete all the lines
ABOVE that point--i.e. just leave the stuff in that is related to that last
update attempt--the tail end of the file. Then highlight and copy and paste
that bit to a post in this forum:
If you want, you could also post it here, and I'd be glad to take a look at
it, but the folks over there will know far more about the update process
than I do.