Hello Garry,
Here's removal instructions from newdotnet
The main reason for following thier advise and using the
uninstaller is so you dont lose your internet connection.
There are known spyware programs that install layered service providers
(LSPs) on client computers to gather user data. When Windows AntiSpyware
(Beta) removes spyware programs, it also removes the spyware-based LSPs.
However, Windows AntiSpyware (Beta) does not restore any LSPs after it
removes the spyware.
They do collect details on the web sites viewed but if the user agrees to
install WebHancer then it is done with consent.
You can view their privacy policy here:
Webhancer can be removed using the Add/Remove Programs screen by removing
either of these:
WebHancer Survey Companion or WebHancer Customer Companion
For marketscopeand internetac, try using the Add/Remove Programs
After, run on-line:
Ccleaner -
Note, uncheck Yahoos toolbar during install.
Open Ccleaner and press "Run Cleaner" from the menu choose 'Issues' and then
press scan for issues, Repair any fºund.