Defender - Cannot delete MpShHook.dll to uninstall

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I have been trying to install the new version 1593 (I think) but like many
other users I have been unable to uninstall Windows Defender Beta 2 using the
normal Windows uninstall procedure so that I can download and install the New
I have downloaded loads of programs before yet never encountered so much
trouble as I have with this Beta version of Defender. In fact I am so fed up
with it I am now only interested in uninstalling the Beta version. I will
never install Defender ever again. I have spent hours reading the forums to
try and solve this problem but am stumped at the last hurdle. I have even
contacted my Computer suppliers Technical Help Desk but they cannot solve it
Can anyone please help me get rid of MpShHook.dll. Am I right in
understanding that this file relates specifically to Defender? If it cannot
be got rid of by normal means why can Microsoft not come up with an answer to
this problem? If you cannot delet the Defender Folder in Program Files how
can anyone possibly set up the latest version of Defender.
I have managed to delete individual files in Safe Mode because they could
not be deleted in normal mode but like other users am left with this dll
I have removed MSASCui.exe using CCleaner but CCleaner cannot find
MpShHook.dll to complete the process.
Hope you can help.
Thank you in anticipation.
Hello Engel,

Thank you for your reply.
Yes I have exit program and I have read the posting link you gave. I still
cannot understand how to delete this dll file though. I am not the techy
person that you may think I am. It takes me hours to get through this maze.
Thank you for trying to help me though. I do not wish to start re-installing
the product again. I simply want to delete the file, get away from
Microsoft's complicated validation / installation system and forget Defender
Try using system restore. there should be a restore point before the date
and time before the unistallation.
Hello Engel,

Thanks for your help again. In the past I have had bad experiences with
System Restore which would not work with any of the points Microsoft or
myself had set, so I will never use that again. PC Angel is pre-installed on
my system and is a very effective non-destructive means of restoring data,
but I consider this is like using a sledge hammer to crack a walnut when I
have just one file to remove, and sometimes data can be removed that you had
forgotten about until you come to use it again.

Trying to restore Defender is not the route I want to go. It just puts me
back to where I was and not being able to install a non Beta version again. I
just want to go the route of finding the dll file and removing it. Failing
that I will just have to leave the Defender folder with one dll file in it
just doing nothing, but it worries me somewhat from a virus point of view.
I suppose I could try phoning Microsoft but I have not got much confidence
in that route. Apparently you are allowed 2 'free' phone calls (meaning they
do not charge you) before being charged a ridiculous fee thereafter.

Thank you. Your suggestions are always valued.


Try using system restore. there should be a restore point before the date
and time before the unistallation.
Hello Defender Users,

I am posting my own reply which has been answered in Castlecops forum.

Please check out the following link :-

I am absolutely amazed how simple it is to remove an otherwise locked or
difficult to delete file. Just download the freeware small footprint Unlocker
1.8.5 and see for yourself how easy it is. Just exercise care, do research
and back up before deleting files of this nature.

Good bye Defender. I do not want another experience like this. It was almost
like trying to get rid of a Trojan file.

Hope this will help someone out of a spot.

Kind regards,

Hi crisoco,

Congratulations, I'm glad you was able to fix your problem with the .DLL

If you read the link in my first response, Plun - a regular contributor here:




mention that program.

Probably you miss the thread.

Any way, good luck in the future.

Do realize that you are your own worst enemy, since you undoubtedly created
the problem with uninstalling Defender yourself. The most common way that the
Defender MSI was deleted is by using CCleaner to 'clean' things that
shouldn't be. In fact all registry cleaners are infamous for helping to
create exactly such problems, since they were never really intended to be
placed in the hands of novices.

The funny part is that many are using such situations to deny themselves the
best free product that exists to protect their systems. When used in
combination with Internet Explorer 7 on a stable Windows XP SP2 operating
system, nothing else can match the level of control, though some improvement
in detections is still needed.

It's a pity that so many can't understand that the problems they had with
Defender or Internet Explorer 7 were often related to OS issues created by
other software or hacks supplied by unknowledgeable individuals, yet the
people who accepted this crap think that Microsoft is in the wrong. If it
weren't so sad for the poor mis-guided souls who accept such an obviously
rediculous premise, it really would be funny.

Bitman said:
Do realize that you are your own worst enemy, since you undoubtedly created
the problem with uninstalling Defender yourself. The most common way that the
Defender MSI was deleted is by using CCleaner to 'clean' things that
shouldn't be.

I don't follow this, Bitman. He said in his first post that he'd tried to
uninstall Defender using the usual Windows method, and only after that had
failed did he try to uninstall it himself. What should he have done instead?

Also, speaking in his general defence, I share his misgivings about some of
the hoops that Microsoft make us jump through. That Genuine Advantage routine
he talks about (which never works by the first method so I always have to use
the second, with my heart in my mouth wondering what the hell is going on) is
a nightmare for those of us who would consider ourselves novices, and I can
understand his reluctance to put himself through it.

While I'm sure these difficulties can be caused by apparently unwise choices
made by us novices, I suspect those unwise choices are often made because the
novice is perplexed by the incomprehensible technobabble that's usually
offered by Microsoft as some kind of 'help'. I never yet read a KB that I
could properly understand.
I have to agree with you, Bitman, I got 0x800106ba, didn't know what to do,
cause I couldn't get in to WD to uninstall it, at least I didn't know
HOW..went on MS board, someone said download Windows Install Cleanup &
uninstall WD..So I did..Ended up with MAJOR problems..Keep in mind, MOST of
the people who ask questions here are NOT computer whiz's..I know I'm not, I
have to write everything down to remember how to do it next time..So, don't
be too hard on us..
