Default values from one table, entered values in another

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I have 2 tables (Customerstbl, and ShipTotbl) and 1 form (Ordersfrm) I want
to use default address values from the Customerstbl to fill out the "Ship
to:" information on the form if there are no values in the ShipTotbl. But, if
I change the "Ship to:" values on the form, I want the new values to be
stored in the ShipTotbl. I also have a Customers form that I can enter or
view the ShipTo information. I thought that I could do this with an If ISNull
statement, but it doesn't work. Could someone Please help me?
Open the Northwind sample database.
Open the Orders form in design view.
Look at the AfterUpdate event for CustomerID.

It gets the default address, and fills it in and remembers it.
(Note that this form is based on a query that has both the Orders table and
the Customers table, so it has both available.)
Thank you for your help Allen. I added another table that helps keep track of
Inventory and it took a few tries till I got it right. All is working fine at
this point.
I'm learning "on-the-job" and I couldn't do it without the help I receive
Thank you again!