Well, thank you all for your posts.
Mr. Erkan clarified my problam exactly.
i need to do this automaticaly, i can't edit the xsd everytime i need
to re-create the schemes (once in a while the db may change).
so what i finally did, is to query the sysobjects table in my sql
this is the query:
select dbo.syscomments.text, sysobjects.Name as TableName,
dbo.syscolumns.* from dbo.syscolumns
inner join dbo.syscomments on cdefault = dbo.syscomments.ID
inner join sysobjects on sysobjects.id = syscolumns.id
where sysobjects.name = 'ANY_TABLE_NAME'
so i ran in a loop through all my tables, query the systable to get
any default columns, and then i can do set the default (object) to the
column in the dataset.
i knew in the first place that this is an option, but i thought maybe
there is way to do that "from the box" in .NET (so, i guess there
thank you all.