Hi Deb,
if the Last Name is associated with PMID, why would you not be referring
to the ID and simply displaying the Last Name?
you can set the Default Value property of a form control to a control on
another form (but it must be open! or you will get an error)
you can use a combobox to store the ID and show the name
if you simply want to display the last name from the first form, and you
know that the fProject form will be open, you can do this in the
ControlSource of a textbox:
= IIF( IsNull([Forms]![fProject]![PMID]), Null,
column indexes start at zero, so column index 1 is really column 2
I used IIF to test to ensure that the control is filled out -- if not,
you will get an error if you don't test for it
Warm Regards,
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Access Basics
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have an awesome day

I need to ast the default to my forms combobox to the fields [LastName]
by using a field in the main form. The problem is... the field in the main
form has the PMID and I need the [lastname] associated with the PMID
something like this??
= [tPM]![LastName] where [tPM]![PMID] = [Forms]![fProject]![PMID]