Default Text in Field

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Now that I found out how to put in automatic sequential numbers (and BTW, it
works great!), I now find a need to have a "N/A". Is there anyway to
override the sequential numbering to have a field such as this?
Hi Sharon,

If you want to actually have "N/A" stored in your data table, this will be
rather difficult. Your number is almost certainly a Number datatype (and
you are probably using a dMax(...) + 1 expression to get the next number),
while "N/A" is a text string. The two do not mix ;-).

However, if you are only requiring to show "N/A" in a form (or report), you
can do this if the actual data is a null (ie. the number really is not
available), and if you do not need to edit the number in the form. Simply
change the data source for the control from "[MyNumberField]" to
"=nz([MyNumberField],"N/A")". You must also ensure that the control itself
does not have the same name as the original bound field; if it does, rename
it to something like "txtMyNumberField" to prevent #error from appearing in
the control. You will be unable to edit the number in the form because the
control is no longer bound to a field; it now contains an expression.

