Is there a way to change the default setting for charts? I see "New charts
take on PPT font" under the Edit tab of Options, but I'd like to change the
color of the axes, font color, and other settings. Running PPT 2002, Win XP
Assuming you mean MSGraph charts and not charts from Excel, create a new chart
and format it the way you want it. Now we'll embark on a safari into the
deepest, darkest, best-hidden part of MSGraph known to weird science.
Choose Chart, Chart Type from the main menu bar; the Chart Type dialog box
In the Chart Type dialog box, click the Custom Types tab, then in the "Select
from" area, click User Defined to bring up the Add Custom Chart Type dialog
In the Add Custom Chart Type dialog box, click Add and give the chart type a
name and description that make sense to you, then click OK to return to the
Chart Type dialog box.
Click "Set as default chart". Click Yes on the "Are you sure?" message box
that appears. Click OK to finish.
Your custom chart type is now the default chart.
Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA