Default search home pages



When I enter a mistyped website in the go bar, normally
an msn based webpage would tell me that the page is not
found and it would list possible webpages that I meant to
enter. Recently some hidden software was installed along
with a software I installed. The hidden software
was 'internet optimizer', which i immediately
uninstalled, however, now when I mistype pages, it still
goes to the 'internet optimizer''s webpage instead of the
msn default one. How can I change which site is loaded
when a webpage is not found?

Thanks a lot.


Michael said:
When I enter a mistyped website in the go bar, normally
an msn based webpage would tell me that the page is not
found and it would list possible webpages that I meant to
enter. Recently some hidden software was installed along
with a software I installed. The hidden software
was 'internet optimizer', which i immediately
uninstalled, however, now when I mistype pages, it still
goes to the 'internet optimizer''s webpage instead of the
msn default one. How can I change which site is loaded
when a webpage is not found?

Thanks a lot.

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