It is possible to manipulate the initial height of the Footnotes pane using a
macro. The macro below may be used. I cannot guarantee that it works in the
same way as the built-in command (run via View > Footnotes) in all situations.
The size of the Footnotes pane is determined by the value of nPaneSize set
in the macro (set to 60 below) - the value specifies the percentage the top
pane occupies of the window - experiment with the size until it fits your
Sub ViewFootnotes_Special()
Dim nPaneSize As Long
'Experiment with nPaneSize to set the height of the Footnotes pane
nPaneSize = 60
With ActiveWindow
Select Case .ActivePane.View.Type
Case wdPrintView, wdWebView, wdPrintPreview
'if in footnotes, go to main window and vice versa
If .View.SeekView = wdSeekFootnotes Then
.View.SeekView = wdSeekMainDocument
ElseIf .View.SeekView = wdSeekMainDocument Then
.View.SeekView = wdSeekFootnotes
End If
Case Else 'e.g. Normal view
'If more than one pane shown, close #2, else open footnoes
If .Panes.Count > 1 Then
.View.SplitSpecial = wdPaneFootnotes
'Now in footnotes pane - set split percentage
.SplitVertical = nPaneSize
End If
End Select
End With
End Sub
You could install the macro and assign a keyboard shortcut to it.
For help on installing a macro, see:
For help on assigning shortcuts, see:
NOTE: The name of the command Word runs when you select View > Footnotes is
"ViewFootnoes". Therefore, if you install the above macro and change its name
to "ViewFootnoes", the macro will run instead of the built-in command. Note
that the command will not run when you double-click a footnote reference (at
least not in my test).
Lene Fredborg
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word