Default Font Changed



I know this question has been asked before and I reviewed all the other
responses but I cant seem to get my pc back to normal.

I had a motherboard replaced... when I get my pc back all the default fonts
for ie, excel, etc are now italicized. I have verified that it is the arial
font that was affected. How do I get it back?


Hey Adam,

I'm tempted to say that one of the files in your font folder is corrupt.
(But you changed the motherboard, so I'm not sure how that would corrupt a
file in the font folder).

But it might be worth a try to flush the entire contents of your fonts
folder, and replace them all with fresh new font files. (Although you might
have already tried that, I suspect?)

If not... then you can try it by wiping out the current font folder, and
then re-copy the fonts back into the folder from another computer. Or you
could run the install disk in repair mode, which should repair any faulty
files, such as your fonts.

Before you do anything however, I would suggest that you copy your entire
current font folder into a temporary storage folder (just in case things go
wrong -- at least then you will still have your old fonts back).

The font folder is located in:

You can also find more information about deleting/installing fonts in
Microsoft's knowledge base article #314960

Admittedly however I've never had to flush the font folder before... so if
you decide to do it be sure to read the article, and let me know how it works


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