Default "can grow" properity



Hi all,

I found that the default "can grow" in Crystal Reports 10 is different
from the one in Crystal Report 9.

In version 9, when "can grow" is disable, the words in the field are
chopped off and doesn't not warp around to the next line.

In version 10, when "can grow" is disable ,the text would overlap the
field next to it if the text is too long, to make it field behave the
same as version 9, I have to enable the "can grow" property and set the
limit to 1.

I am wondering if I can change the default "can grow" property to
behave like version 9, so that I don't have to go to each of the report
to change each fields' "can grow" property (that is a nightmare!!).


Cor Ligthert [MVP]


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