default by user input

  • Thread starter Thread starter Heather
  • Start date Start date


Hello again

My db is going out to many field offices. I made a
little form at start up that tells the user to enter
their office name from a drop down box. The data is
stored at

tblProviderDefault.ProviderID, where ProviderID coming


How then do I get the info from
tblProviderDefault.ProviderID to be the default in
another table (tblService)? I went to
tblService.ProviderID and wrote in the field's default


I'm getting the #Name? error. Any ideas?

Thanks again!!


This post is in the "forms" group, but you are asking about data in tables.
What's the connection?

By the way, if your opening form has a combobox from which the user selects
his/her office, you could simply hide that form after use, but continue
referring to the value in the combobox in your queries, forms, reports, etc.
Exactly, but how do I refer to the value in the combobox?
When I try to add this line to the default property:

= forms!frmProviderDefault!ProviderID

I get the #name? error. I would be forever grateful if
you could help me with this one.


As I recall, you don't get to use that as a default property value in the

But you could use that to set the value of the control on a form (even an
invisible control), so that when the form's record is saved, the ProviderID
is as well. Besides, you need to be working in forms anyway, not directly
in tables...