default by user input - repost

  • Thread starter Thread starter Heather
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Okay, I'm stumped

I have frmDefaultProvider with field ProviderID

I have frmServices with field ProviderID, which has a
default value set to


I've used this expression many times before, always
successfully. Now I'm getting the #name? error. Both
data types are set to Long Integer.

Any ideas please?


Do you have a control also called ProviderID, perhaps the textbox used for
the field ProviderID? If so, rename the textbox to txtProviderID, Access
doesn't know which of the two object (field or textbox) that you want the
value from.
Thanks Wayne, I changed the name of one of the controls
(they were in fact the same) and I'm still getting the
error. I don't understand :-(


-----Original Message-----
Do you have a control also called ProviderID, perhaps the textbox used for
the field ProviderID? If so, rename the textbox to txtProviderID, Access
doesn't know which of the two object (field or textbox) that you want the
value from.

Wayne Morgan
MS Access MVP

Okay, I'm stumped

I have frmDefaultProvider with field ProviderID

I have frmServices with field ProviderID, which has a
default value set to


I've used this expression many times before, always
successfully. Now I'm getting the #name? error. Both
data types are set to Long Integer.

Any ideas please?



Try changing the line to refer to the control, not the field:

Okay, I did that; the control was the same name as the
field, it is now different. So now, the error message is
gone, but the default did not transfer...the field is
blank. I am using a combo box on both forms with exactly
the same properties except the default....

How can this not be working?


-----Original Message-----
Try changing the line to refer to the control, not the field:


Wayne Morgan
MS Access MVP

Thanks Wayne, I changed the name of one of the controls
(they were in fact the same) and I'm still getting the
error. I don't understand :-(

The default value is only for new records and the value would have to exist
on the other form before you move to the new record or open the form if the
first record is a new one. I just checked and it does work. If you are
checking it going back and forth between design view and normal view, try
closing the form and reopening it instead.
THanks Wayne, I guess I'm going to have to come up with
another plan, it's still not working. I've done this
before, so I understand how it works, but I don't get
what's wrong. Is there code I could use instead
on 'after update' or something?

In the Form's Current event you could try something similar to:

If Me.NewRecord Then
Me.txtMyTextbox = Forms!frmMyForm!txtMyOtherTextbox
End If
ps, what happens if you leave the equal sign out of the expression typed
into the Default Value box?