default browser

  • Thread starter Thread starter gmrad
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That kb article is just some kind of doubletalk, not a way to positively
confirm that IE is the default browser - because it doesn't work that way,
in my experience. I've been using IE for several years and have NEVER seen
the query asking if it should be made the default browser, so I've never had
the opportunity to answer yes or no! I recently tried a different browser,
and it was made the default browser when installed. I then found it
impossible to make IE the default browser again - except by running a System
Restore operation on my XP Home. There must be some kind of entry in the
registry or elsewhere as a way to confirm or change the default browser, and
I don't understand why they keep it such a closely guarded secret.
For heavens sake, its not a 'closely guarded secret', and frankly, using
System Restore is like using a sledgehammer to kill a gnat.

Default browser is controlled by the file type associations for particular
actions (clicking on a hyperlink etc).

Go to my computer, view/folder options/file types (or control panel, folder
options depending on your operating system).

Scroll down to the URL:Hypertext Transfer Protocols, click edit twice and
make sure the following is in the application used to perform action box:


The same applies for URL:Gopher

DDE should be set to: "%1",,-1,0,,,,
Application should say: IExplore
DDE application not running should be blank
Topic should be: WWW_OpenURL

If Netscape was the browser that took over your system the fix is - I don't
know if Netscape browsers such as Mozilla, Firefox continue to use the same

Close Netscape. Edit prefs.js by adding the following in user pref:

("browser.wfe.ignore def check", true);

Go to IE tools, internet options, programs. Set IE to check if it is default
browser. Close and start IE. Select 'yes' when prompted.

Open Netscape; it will prompt to be made default browser. Select no, turn
on the option to not ask anymore.

Hyperlinks are used to ensure advice remains current
Visit the Internet Explorer Online Community:
Sandi - Microsoft MVP since 1999 (IE/OE)
PA Bear said:
Windows version?

IE Tools>Internet Options>Programs>IE should check... and/or Reset Web
Settings (if available)

How to Make Internet Explorer the Default Web Browser:

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE)

Posting and You

Try the link in your signature. It is down until January.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC
First of all I like to sign under each sentence of the newsrider3's message.
Then let me answer to other authors.
1. My comp uses Windows XP Professional.
2. IE should check to see whether it is the default browser but it never
checked though the corresponding box is checked.
Let me add that some days ago I installed the Firefox 1 browser. Now I have
two browsers and it is Firefox that is default browser. Why? I had a problem
that links from OE did not open IE. No recipe worked and that of written by
Sandy too. That was particularly because there is no URL: Hypertext
Transfer Protocols file type on my computer. There is URL: Internet
Shortcut. So I can not use that recipe. My question to this group connected
with the fact that those links work OK in the Firefox after it became the
default browser. I want that Internet Explorer is the default browser and
links work there. I want somebody help me!
there is no URL: Hypertext Transfer Protocols file type on my computer.
There is URL: Internet Shortcut.

Look again!

It is near the top of the list under "[NONE]"
Thank you for lowering the veil briefly into the inner sanctum of MS's file
types, where I have seldom dared to venture!? I've saved your message in
case I get into the same pickle again in future. Reading below, I see that
'gmrad' was caught by the excellent hyperbolae of the new Mozilla release -
the Firefox browser - which also accounts for my recent problema. Tried it
but didn't like it, so went back to IE the next day - except OE/IE no longer
worked correctly. No doubt thousands of others will be getting into the same
pickle...and should really be forewarned in that regard on the Mozilla
In Windows 2000, and I believe in Windows XP as well, there's a function
named "Set Program Access and Defaults" that can handle all of the
necessary association changes. It should be accessible from the Start
menu or from Add/Remove programs, where it's normally listed at the bottom
of the left-side panel.
Now that you've revealed your Windows version...

Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Set Program Access and Defaults > ...

Some WinXP users may find it necessary to uninstall other browsers to be
able to set IE as the default once more:

Microsoft Internet Explorer Is Not Restored as the Default Internet Browser
After Uninstalling Netscape Navigator:
In, "PA Bear"

My coffee supplier in civilization is closed until January as I just
found out after a trip to "the place where many people live".
I have to exist on packaged coffee from a supermarket until then.

Your problems pale into insignificance <g>

Alan Edwards said:
My coffee supplier in civilization is closed until January as I just
found out after a trip to "the place where many people live".
I have to exist on packaged coffee from a supermarket until then.

Your problems pale into insignificance <g>


Yes, that is a problem. However, if I travel 30 miles I can find some
halfway decent coffee.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC
In, "Frank Saunders,
MS-MVP IE/OE said:
Yes, that is a problem. However, if I travel 30 miles I can find some
halfway decent coffee.

Hi Frank,

I travelled 43 miles to civilization to find my coffee shop closed.
The problem with sticking to one supplier for 30 years is I didn't
know any others, but they probably closed anyway.
I shall try again next year.

Actually, such a symptom (missing file type protocols) is a known side
effect of installing mozilla/netscape based web browsers.

Hyperlinks are used to ensure advice remains current
Visit the Internet Explorer Online Community:
Sandi - Microsoft MVP since 1999 (IE/OE)

newsrider3 said:
there is no URL: Hypertext Transfer Protocols file type on my
computer. There is URL: Internet Shortcut.

Look again!

It is near the top of the list under "[NONE]"
Alan Edwards said:
In, "Frank Saunders,

Hi Frank,

I travelled 43 miles to civilization to find my coffee shop closed.
The problem with sticking to one supplier for 30 years is I didn't
know any others, but they probably closed anyway.
I shall try again next year.


I get mine from a Web site in Louisiana, but that would probably be too
expensive for where you live.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC
Once again, the information in that and related KB articles from MS - DOES
NOT WORK! Why? Because it nevers asks. There is no chance to change the
default browser if it never asks! I've been using IE for many years, and
have tried many things, but never once have I had it ask me to make it the
default browser. It just does NOT happen! Checking/unchecking that box on
the Programs tab has absolutely no effect whatsoever. I don't know where
that rumor got started, but obviously MS itself was hornswaggled too... ;o)
Here is my note / observation on this issue:

Another possibility is a browser add-on preventing the default browser check. Posted earlier by Barb:

I am a support technician. A user had an issue with Sametime meetings
and I tracked it to the fact that IE6 would not check to see if it was
default. I tried forcing it to do so, tried reinstalling and finally
used the IE Fix tool off the MVPS site. Finally as a last ditch effort I
turned off the Merriam Webster Toolbar and voila! I did notify MW site
and thought I would post here as an FYI.



Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Shell/User

Once again, the information in that and related KB articles from MS - DOES
NOT WORK! Why? Because it nevers asks. There is no chance to change the
default browser if it never asks! I've been using IE for many years, and
have tried many things, but never once have I had it ask me to make it the
default browser. It just does NOT happen! Checking/unchecking that box on
the Programs tab has absolutely no effect whatsoever. I don't know where
that rumor got started, but obviously MS itself was hornswaggled too... ;o)
Yes, that looks like it should work too. I've saved your message. Thanks. On
my XP Home it is available on the left side of the Add or Remove Programs