Deepnet Explorer??


Sunflower Queen
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
I am thinking about using the above and have read some good reviews. What do you guys/girls think. At the mo using Internet Explorer but I fancy a change.

HOWEVER, i don't want anything quirky or difficult to manage.

Soooo....... some advice/thoughts etc.... would be good.

Gabriella x
It just looks like an extension to internet explorer with a few extra tricks and a file sharing program built in. I haven't used it so I can't comment, but I'd give it a miss from the looks of it. It only looks useful if you use file sharing apps.

If you are looking for a change, give FireFox a go ( - that is quite different and very user friendly :)
Most people use IE.But not as many as firefox it is the truley safe browsr nowadays.
best thing I did was to switch to firefox...had very little hassle with popups and crap since:thumb: