Decimals not displaying in datasheet view

  • Thread starter Thread starter Averil Pretty
  • Start date Start date

Averil Pretty


I am tying to put values in a table in fields where I have
made the Field Size "Long Integer", the Format "General
Number" and Decimal Places is set to 2.

However, when I go into the table and enter the value in
e.g. 4.06 as soon as I go on to the next field the value
changes to just 4. The same is happening with the form
when I've apparently set the format correctly.

Can anyone help me out here? I don't want to continue
entering data if I'm going to lose it and have to enter it
all again.


Long Integer is just what it suggests. Integers are whole numbers and don't
include decimal values. You can use double, single, decimal, or currency for
decimal values.
Hi Duane,

Thanks - seems to work fine with Double (but for some
reason not decimal). I thought it might be something like
that but then I thought I was wrong because when you set
the Field Size to Long Integer there is still an option to
enter the number of decimals...

Oh well, it's working now so I'm happy. Thanks for that.
