I am a new member so apologies if i get the protocol wrong.
I have a range of decimal numbers; 0 thro 1023, from which I need to determine the binary values that created them, example 341 is created from binary 1 4 16 64 and 256, and 682 from 2 8 32 128 and 512.
I need to dispaly in a row of 10 columns a 1 or 0 if one of the binary values created the number.
I'm not a mathamatician so Please Help with the fomulae!
I am using Excel in Office 97
Many Thanks
I am a new member so apologies if i get the protocol wrong.
I have a range of decimal numbers; 0 thro 1023, from which I need to determine the binary values that created them, example 341 is created from binary 1 4 16 64 and 256, and 682 from 2 8 32 128 and 512.
I need to dispaly in a row of 10 columns a 1 or 0 if one of the binary values created the number.
I'm not a mathamatician so Please Help with the fomulae!
I am using Excel in Office 97
Many Thanks