I am trying to output a range of dates and times in a query that will show
the max and min of the dates like this: 1-99
I have used this expression in the expression builder which works:
Time to Arrival Range: IIf([MinOfTime to Arrival (hrs)]=[MaxOfTime to
Arrival (hrs)],Null,[MinOfTime to Arrival (hrs)] & " - " & [MaxOfTime to
Arrival (hrs)])
However, for the range of times I am getting a long string of numbers after
the decimal place despite the fact that the original location of these values
is setup as "standard" in format and "1" in decimal places. I get an output
of "1 - 3.66666666666667" for instance. What can I use in the expression
builder that will allow me to format this to just "1 - 3.67", with a rounded
decimal place?
the max and min of the dates like this: 1-99
I have used this expression in the expression builder which works:
Time to Arrival Range: IIf([MinOfTime to Arrival (hrs)]=[MaxOfTime to
Arrival (hrs)],Null,[MinOfTime to Arrival (hrs)] & " - " & [MaxOfTime to
Arrival (hrs)])
However, for the range of times I am getting a long string of numbers after
the decimal place despite the fact that the original location of these values
is setup as "standard" in format and "1" in decimal places. I get an output
of "1 - 3.66666666666667" for instance. What can I use in the expression
builder that will allow me to format this to just "1 - 3.67", with a rounded
decimal place?