At the bottom is my formula. Cell C4 is the calculation
of 2 cells that gives me a percentage...like 63.91%. My
problem is that rather than coming up with:
"Part A has the faster machine in this test. It is faster
by 63.91%"
I get:
"Part A has the faster machine in this test. It is faster
by 63.9113931222027%"
I've tried re-formating the cells from text to percentage
to general and still it get 13 decimal places rather than
=('RTA Box'!H4)&" "&"has the faster machine in this
test."&" "&"It is faster by "&(C4)&"%"
of 2 cells that gives me a percentage...like 63.91%. My
problem is that rather than coming up with:
"Part A has the faster machine in this test. It is faster
by 63.91%"
I get:
"Part A has the faster machine in this test. It is faster
by 63.9113931222027%"
I've tried re-formating the cells from text to percentage
to general and still it get 13 decimal places rather than
=('RTA Box'!H4)&" "&"has the faster machine in this
test."&" "&"It is faster by "&(C4)&"%"