Hi all,
Below is a funtion that converts a Lat or Lon coordinate (as a Double) to a
string of Degrees, Minutes and Seconds. It's based on an MS Exmaple for VBA
found here http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=213449. Do you think this is
this best way to go about it .NET, or could it be done more efficiently?
Private Function ConvertDegrees(ByVal DecimalDegrees As Double) As String
Dim Degrees As Int32 = 0
Dim Minutes As Single = 0
Dim Seconds As Single = 0
Dim DMS As String = ""
Degrees = Fix(DecimalDegrees)
Minutes = (DecimalDegrees - Degrees) * 60
Seconds = (Minutes - Fix(Minutes)) * 60
DMS = System.Math.Abs(Degrees) & Chr(186) & _
" " & Format(System.Math.Abs(Fix(Minutes)), "00") & _
"' " & Format(System.Math.Abs(Seconds), "00.00") & Chr(34)
Return DMS
End Function
Below is a funtion that converts a Lat or Lon coordinate (as a Double) to a
string of Degrees, Minutes and Seconds. It's based on an MS Exmaple for VBA
found here http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=213449. Do you think this is
this best way to go about it .NET, or could it be done more efficiently?
Private Function ConvertDegrees(ByVal DecimalDegrees As Double) As String
Dim Degrees As Int32 = 0
Dim Minutes As Single = 0
Dim Seconds As Single = 0
Dim DMS As String = ""
Degrees = Fix(DecimalDegrees)
Minutes = (DecimalDegrees - Degrees) * 60
Seconds = (Minutes - Fix(Minutes)) * 60
DMS = System.Math.Abs(Degrees) & Chr(186) & _
" " & Format(System.Math.Abs(Fix(Minutes)), "00") & _
"' " & Format(System.Math.Abs(Seconds), "00.00") & Chr(34)
Return DMS
End Function