Alright my copy of Norton Antivirus isn't up for renewal yet; the
subscription runs out on the 28th June. Can anyone recommend DECENT software,
as Norton has been a pigging pain in the behind! It slows down my machine no
end, and I think ONE update isn’t enough don’t you?! Baer in mind I have
Zone Alarm Pro as a firewall.
I’m lucky in that no Virus has got though, but its yellow pop-up slow down
my PC when I’m surfing!
Some of my Dad's work colleges hate Norton they says it’s a piece of @$%!,
Putting it politely! Panda_man’s stats for Norton made me go off in a sweat!
I also found that Panda Titanium Antivirus seemed to slow down my machine.
My machine is only an AMD Athlon 64 1.8GHz with 480 RAM (is that slow?) and a
69.9 GB hard drive.
I’m fast going along the line of Ron in RI!
Can some one PLEASE recommend a decent Antivirus software whether
subscription or not; bear in mind I’m in the United Kingdom; British Pounds
not Dollars please!!
Many thanks
Alright my copy of Norton Antivirus isn't up for renewal yet; the
subscription runs out on the 28th June. Can anyone recommend DECENT software,
as Norton has been a pigging pain in the behind! It slows down my machine no
end, and I think ONE update isn’t enough don’t you?! Baer in mind I have
Zone Alarm Pro as a firewall.
I’m lucky in that no Virus has got though, but its yellow pop-up slow down
my PC when I’m surfing!
Some of my Dad's work colleges hate Norton they says it’s a piece of @$%!,
Putting it politely! Panda_man’s stats for Norton made me go off in a sweat!
I also found that Panda Titanium Antivirus seemed to slow down my machine.
My machine is only an AMD Athlon 64 1.8GHz with 480 RAM (is that slow?) and a
69.9 GB hard drive.
I’m fast going along the line of Ron in RI!
Can some one PLEASE recommend a decent Antivirus software whether
subscription or not; bear in mind I’m in the United Kingdom; British Pounds
not Dollars please!!
Many thanks