Wanted Decent AGP card anyone


Oct 26, 2006
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Yes, don't worry it is still 2014. I'm looking for a decent 7 series AGP card as a back up because I don't trust the Gigabyte 7800 in the Antec P160 case. It's getting on and I know any other second hand AGP card will be collecting it's pension too but would e nice to try and make sure I have something to put straight in if the husband goes before the wife lol

Dig deep and check your attic, old box of PC parts to see if you can help the needy. I'm not a registered charity and all donations will be kept :lol:

Willing to pay of course. Wasn't serious with the above unless you have it in your heart to just charge p+p lol
Check Amazon. I have seen AGP cards on there for as little as £10
Thanks guys.

The ones on Amazon only seem to go up to a 6200 AGP model and is not as cheap as I'd like even if I was going to settle for a 6 series. I could try ebay I suppose but there is so much shiz on ebay and people who just don't care when they sell you shiz that it's like a mine field.

I'll keep looking and see what I'll have to settle for if I need to.