I just gave this a try, but I cant' seem to get the formula to apply. I
have a column (C) of names in all caps. In a blank cell, I typed
=PROPER(C2:C112) and then hit enter but it keeps giving me error messages.
Any help? Thanks!
I wanted to sharpen my question a bit. I'm trying to apply PROPER to my
entire Excel table. Right now, I'm doing one column at a time, but I'd like
to find a way to select the entire table and have the PROPER function apply
proper text capitalization to any data field that has such text. Is there a
way to do that? Thanks!
Sub Proper()
Dim Cell As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each Cell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
Cell.Formula = Application.Proper(Cell.Formula)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub