Harry F. Harrison
In the IDE, is it possible to have the debugger ignore 'first chance
exceptions' for a specific method?
I have my IDE set to 'break into the debugger' for CLR exceptions.
However, I have a few situations, where exceptions are thrown, but are
handled, and I don't want the debugger to stop and wait for me to continue
for those methods- it gets old.
2 examples:
I have a situation where I call the ODBC Provider DataAdapter Fill method to
return schema information, and I get a first chance exception because the
provider can't return multiple results, but I get my data, and don't really
care about the exception. However, the debugger stops on the error, then if
I hit 'Continue', it goes without throwing me the error later.
Another place is date validation. I use the Microsoft.VisualBasic.IsDate()
function, and it returns an exception - argh - it should just return True or
False - it's a boolean function.
I sure miss VB6 - 'Break on unhandled errors' feature.
exceptions' for a specific method?
I have my IDE set to 'break into the debugger' for CLR exceptions.
However, I have a few situations, where exceptions are thrown, but are
handled, and I don't want the debugger to stop and wait for me to continue
for those methods- it gets old.
2 examples:
I have a situation where I call the ODBC Provider DataAdapter Fill method to
return schema information, and I get a first chance exception because the
provider can't return multiple results, but I get my data, and don't really
care about the exception. However, the debugger stops on the error, then if
I hit 'Continue', it goes without throwing me the error later.
Another place is date validation. I use the Microsoft.VisualBasic.IsDate()
function, and it returns an exception - argh - it should just return True or
False - it's a boolean function.
I sure miss VB6 - 'Break on unhandled errors' feature.