Debugging a server app

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I am having the following event logged when I try to debug a COM+ server

"The server {54AD3709-9B43-42A8-B896-404FDCF4AC85} did not register with
DCOM within the required timeout"

I also get a dialog box saying "An error ocurre while processing the last
operation. Error code 8008005 - Server execution failed. The event log may
contain additional troubleshooting information".

And all I am doing is:

I go to the Component Services Explorer and I Start the COM+ application.
This opens an instance of VS.NET 2003 containing dllhost.exe.

My intention is to be able to debug the components in that COM+ server app.

If you are running the ServicedComponent as a COM+ server app, it will
running in the dllhost.exe, another process different from the client
To debugging the SC, you can attach to the process when the dllhost is
lauched, and then call into the SC from client, the debugger will stop if
there is any breakpoint hit in the SC or exception occur.

Also from the KB below.
While debugging, a transaction may time out before it is committed or
aborted. To avoid a timeout, use a timeout property on the transaction
attribute. In the following example, the associated method has 1,200
seconds to complete any transaction before it times out:
How to use COM+ transactions in a Visual C++ .NET component (815814);EN-US;815814

You may have a check.

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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