Last night I installed some more memory in my p4p800. It didn't boot
after that. So I put back the old memory. Still didn't boot. No bios
info on screen. When I turn on the switch, the cpu fan comes on and I
hear some movement of my harddrive then nothing. Screen completely
I tried the graphics card in another computer - ok. I replaced the
power supply - no go. Couldn't try the sata hard drives on the other
system since it has parallel ide drives.
I removed the battery and discharged the battery backup memory power.
No diff.
Any ideas of what else I should try?
after that. So I put back the old memory. Still didn't boot. No bios
info on screen. When I turn on the switch, the cpu fan comes on and I
hear some movement of my harddrive then nothing. Screen completely
I tried the graphics card in another computer - ok. I replaced the
power supply - no go. Couldn't try the sata hard drives on the other
system since it has parallel ide drives.
I removed the battery and discharged the battery backup memory power.
No diff.
Any ideas of what else I should try?