Hi All ..
thank you for entering teh subject..
I am tring to write some C# code ... and I am facing few
problems ...
usually i sove them by usign the debuger which is:
Ctrl + F10
but in this way i am just debuging the current class ...
so if i am calling function in other calss it just jump
the detail andgive me the result..
so ... is there a way do debug the code Line By Line and
class by class ... that meen very very detail debugger ..
thank you
thank you for entering teh subject..
I am tring to write some C# code ... and I am facing few
problems ...
usually i sove them by usign the debuger which is:
Ctrl + F10
but in this way i am just debuging the current class ...
so if i am calling function in other calss it just jump
the detail andgive me the result..

so ... is there a way do debug the code Line By Line and
class by class ... that meen very very detail debugger ..
thank you