Debuger ..?

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Hi All ..
thank you for entering teh subject..
I am tring to write some C# code ... and I am facing few
problems ...

usually i sove them by usign the debuger which is:
Ctrl + F10

but in this way i am just debuging the current class ...
so if i am calling function in other calss it just jump
the detail andgive me the result.. :(

so ... is there a way do debug the code Line By Line and
class by class ... that meen very very detail debugger ..

thank you

In order to debug other methods in other classes, you would have to have
the projects with the code loaded into your development environment. Once
you have that, you can step into each class method and debug your code.

However, if you do not have the source code, then you can not debug it.

Hope this helps.