Whats is the deal with Debug.WriteLine command...
I mean, in my programs, i usually add many of those commands to debug it while programming, and to be able to find bugs and things
easier, but, it is safe to leave those lines when u compile the program? or you are suposed to remove them?
Maybe the compiler delete that lines automatically when u compile the program, but that wont make much sense since inside VS.net the
program you launch is a compiled version.... so? debug.writeline will "run" all the time and will only output something if its
running inside the VS.net IDE? , if so, maybe there is any other way to "retrieve" those values? is it possible to read the
debug.writeline outputs running a program outside of the IDE ?
I would like if ppl can comment here what they know about this....
I mean, in my programs, i usually add many of those commands to debug it while programming, and to be able to find bugs and things
easier, but, it is safe to leave those lines when u compile the program? or you are suposed to remove them?
Maybe the compiler delete that lines automatically when u compile the program, but that wont make much sense since inside VS.net the
program you launch is a compiled version.... so? debug.writeline will "run" all the time and will only output something if its
running inside the VS.net IDE? , if so, maybe there is any other way to "retrieve" those values? is it possible to read the
debug.writeline outputs running a program outside of the IDE ?
I would like if ppl can comment here what they know about this....