Starting a debug session used to take about 2-3 seconds.
I took the project home and worked on my laptop at home,
burned it onto CD then brought it back to work. Now it
takes 15-20 seconds to start a debug session.
Anyone have any ideas on what could've caused this. (By
the way, I already went in and removed the "read-only"
status of all folders/files that resulted from the CD.)
Starting a debug session used to take about 2-3 seconds.
I took the project home and worked on my laptop at home,
burned it onto CD then brought it back to work. Now it
takes 15-20 seconds to start a debug session.
Anyone have any ideas on what could've caused this. (By
the way, I already went in and removed the "read-only"
status of all folders/files that resulted from the CD.)