Debug asp projects

  • Thread starter Thread starter Eitan
  • Start date Start date



I have old asp code.
Also :
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003.

I want to debug old asp (asp, not aspx).
The asp has no sln,
because it before dotnet -
can I attach the asp to a *.sln ?
Should I have to create an sln in order to debug my code ?

However :
How can I debug my code ?
For asp code & javascript code ?

Thanks :)
You can debug your old ASP code as well as your javascript code using
VS2003. In order to debug ASP code you need to enable ASP debugging on
the site that you're running through the IIS manager go to the virtual
directory you want to be able to debug into, go to properties and
Configure->Debugging. If you want to debug javascript code then you
need to enable script debugging in IE.

You'll have to open up the code page (.asp, .html, .htm, whatever it
is) that holds the scripts you want to debug in the ide but you
shouldn't have to add it to your solution. If you set this up and still
aren't seeing your break points getting hit make sure that the debugger
has attached to the iexplore.exe process. If it hasn't then attach
manually under the Tools menu option.

Hope this helps.


How can I attach debugger to the iexplore.exe ?
(I didn't find that option).

Thanks :)
I think I found it :
under debug -> processes.
choose the IExplorer (which must be openned), and press the attach problem.

One little problem, that when I debug the page,
and put a break-point on a specific line,
When the debugger reach that line,
it is reached once,
then I press the continue button,
but I should press also the break button.
so at each run I need to press two buttons again and again :
the <break all> button and the continue button.

What is wrong of above.

Help, please.

Thanks :)

I'm not sure I know what it is that you're describing. You should be
able to hit the breakpoint you've set beforehand when the code reaches
that line without any additional action from you. Once it's stopped you
will have to manually continue the processing but I don't know why this
would require two actions from you.

Still, I have a problem.

There is a button, which when I stay on it,
it shows a tooltip "break all" (near the continue/start button).
When I run my program (asp),
I see that after reaching the breakpoint,
and clicking the "continue" button,
the "break all" button is switch from disable to enable state.
only after I press that button it is disable again.
I need to press that button,
because if not - it is enabled, and the breakpoint of my program is never

Thanks :)
after pressing "attach",
checking (checkbox = true) the :
common language runtime + script
(I have tried some combination, but with the same problem, as I've

Thanks :)