debug and release version

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hi, everybody,

Is there any difference between debug and release version of executable file?
If have, what is the difference between them?

thanks for your reply.

Is it possible that some problem will happen in release version, but will not happen in debug version?
Last week I saw a situation, in debug version the code run result as follews :

startTick = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
while (((DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTick) / 10000) < 100)
// do some code
Console.WriteLine((DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTick));

the result is aboult 1000000

but in the release version, the result is aboult 200000000.
The same code section exist in two functions in my ap, but only one function happen this situation.
My ap have some unsafe code, it must call some C functions. Is there any reason to explain this situaton?

But today, first I write a small program to test, this situaton dose not happen. Then I try my ap again, this situaton also dose not happen. Dose it happen by chance?

thanks again.

ps: I will take about 6 days new year vacation from tomorrow.
debug and release versions differ only in the size of the executable code
they generate in the exe file.. Debug version is bit bigger than release
version becoz it contains the extra information needed to debug your
application like.. break point information.. but i am sure they do not cause
any difference in the application functionality..its just the extra bit of
information to help the coder to debug his application..

james ou said:
thanks for your reply.

Is it possible that some problem will happen in release version, but will not happen in debug version?
Last week I saw a situation, in debug version the code run result as follews :

startTick = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
while (((DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTick) / 10000) < 100)
// do some code
Console.WriteLine((DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTick));

the result is aboult 1000000

but in the release version, the result is aboult 200000000.
The same code section exist in two functions in my ap, but only one
function happen this situation.
My ap have some unsafe code, it must call some C functions. Is there any
reason to explain this situaton?
But today, first I write a small program to test, this situaton dose not
happen. Then I try my ap again, this situaton also dose not happen. Dose it
happen by chance?