Let's say you have users across the country and the page displays a date
time. how do you normally handle the timezone stuff? Should everyone see
times according to their timezones? If so, how is this done?
Since you said "page" I have to assume you're talking about a Web
application. In my experience, any time I've used a site that needs to
translate time to my local time, it has always asked my what my time zone
is. In other words, the Web app couldn't determine that on its own. I would
assume that dates are stored in its database in UTC and then the time offset
is added before they are displayed. From looking at various classes and
structures like DateTime and TimeZone, it doesn't appear that the .NET
framework (2.0 is what I use) has anything built-in to convert time from one
time zone to another, so you're pretty much stuck with physically adding a
time offest, like -5 or +1.5. As to where you find these offsets...I dunno.
You'd think the TimeZone class would have a static GetTimeZones() method
which would return the known time zones, but it doesn't.