Deadlocks in MAPI

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sergey V
  • Start date Start date

Sergey V

Hello everyone,

I have deadlock (i guess) somewhere in MAPI stuff in my server-side
Thread does not respond during more then 1 minute with stack trace like the
one below.
Do you have some ideas to avoid this?

ThreadID: 0x0bfc
0x77f94091 ZwWaitForSingleObject() + 0xb, ntdll.dll
Prms: 0x00000725, 0x00057e40, 0x00000001, 0x00057e40
0x77d4923b I_RpcTransConnectionAllocatePacket() + 0x7c, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x0013cc00, 0x0013cc30, 0x02f8f5d0, 0x00000001
0x77d4f8f5 NdrContextHandleSize() + 0x25e, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x0013cc00, 0x02f8f6fc, 0x02f8f6f0, 0xffffffff
0x77d491bd I_RpcTransGetThreadEvent() + 0xec6, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x001f62e8, 0x00000100, 0x02f8f6fc, 0x02f8f6f0
0x77d4982a I_RpcTransConnectionAllocatePacket() + 0x66b, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x80000000, 0x001b1db8, 0x00000001, 0x00000018
0x77d497a0 I_RpcTransConnectionAllocatePacket() + 0x5e1, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x02f8f6fc, 0x02f8f6f0
0x77d49619 I_RpcTransConnectionAllocatePacket() + 0x45a, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x00000000, 0x02f8f744, 0x001f6300, 0x001b1db8
0x77d49577 I_RpcTransConnectionAllocatePacket() + 0x3b8, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x02f8f94c, 0x02f8f744, 0x02f8f998, 0x02f8f94c
0x77d49455 I_RpcTransConnectionAllocatePacket() + 0x296, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x00000000, 0x02f8fb44, 0x77d36f9b, 0x02f8f94c
0x77d36f6c I_RpcSendReceive() + 0x22, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x02f8f94c, 0x00000008, 0x6284204c, 0x62841a50
0x77d36f9b NdrSendReceive() + 0x2b, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x62841a50, 0x62842004, 0x02f8fb5c, 0x62849126
0x62854125 ---, EMSABP32.DLL
0x62843b78 ---, EMSABP32.DLL
0x62d25065 OpenTnefStream() + 0x41d4, MAPI32.dll
Prms: 0x018f1f60, 0x0186eb40, 0x62d5e6b4, 0x80000000
0x62cd7415 HrThisThreadAdviseSink() + 0x18c1, MAPI32.dll
Prms: 0x018f1f60, 0x00000000, 0x80000000, 0x00000000
0x0044c88b CMapiSession::resolve(), MapiSession.cpp:479 -
addrBook->ResolveName() is called here

Base File Name File Time Version
Description Location
0x4a000000-0x4a0b0000 pdm.dll 28/02/1999 02:32:16 6.00.8424
Process Debug Manager C:\WINNT\System32
0x625d0000-0x62654000 EMSUI32.DLL 17/08/2000 07:00:00 5.5.2650.24
Microsoft Exchange Configuration Library C:\WINNT\system32
0x62840000-0x628e4000 EMSABP32.DLL 17/06/2002 23:14:32 6.0.6249.0
Microsoft Exchange Address Book Provider DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x62a00000-0x62da8000 EMSMDB32.DLL 17/06/2002 23:39:50 6.0.6249.0
Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store Serv C:\WINNT\system32
0x62cc0000-0x62fa0000 MAPI32.dll 17/06/2002 17:26:24 6.0.6249.0
Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT C:\WINNT\system32
0x62db0000-0x62e10000 GAPI32.dll 17/08/2000 07:00:00 6.0.4417.0
Microsoft Mail Configuration Library C:\WINNT\system32
0x690a0000-0x690cc000 PSAPI.DLL 07/12/1999 12:00:00 5.00.2134.1
Process Status Helper C:\WINNT\system32
0x69270000-0x69298000 perfproc.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6697
Windows System Process Performance Objects DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x69b10000-0x69f54000 msxml3.dll 08/03/2001 03:31:36 8.10.8308.0
XML OM C:\WINNT\system32
0x6def0000-0x6e394000 WMSUI32.dll 17/08/2000 07:00:00 5.0.1462.11
WMS User Interface C:\WINNT\system32
0x72a00000-0x72ab4000 dbghelp.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6613
Windows NT Image Helper C:\WINNT\system32
0x74fd0000-0x75048000 msafd.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6602
Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider C:\WINNT\system32
0x74ff0000-0x75038000 mswsock.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6603
Microsoft WinSock Extension APIs C:\WINNT\system32
0x75010000-0x7502c000 wshtcpip.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6601
Windows Sockets Helper DLL C:\WINNT\System32
0x75020000-0x75040000 WS2HELP.DLL 07/12/1999 12:00:00 5.00.2134.1
Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT C:\WINNT\system32
0x75030000-0x75080000 WS2_32.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6601
Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x75050000-0x75070000 WSOCK32.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6603
Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x75150000-0x7518c000 SAMLIB.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6666
SAM Library DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x75170000-0x752ac000 NETAPI32.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6601
Net Win32 API DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x751c0000-0x751d8000 NETRAP.DLL 07/12/1999 12:00:00 5.00.2134.1
Net Remote Admin Protocol DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x759b0000-0x759c8000 LZ32.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6611
LZ Expand/Compress API DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x75aa0000-0x75ac0000 shfolder.dll 07/12/1999 12:00:00 5.00.2920.0000
Shell Folder Service C:\WINNT\system32
0x75af0000-0x763f8000 mshtml.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.3700.6699
Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer C:\WINNT\System32
0x75d50000-0x75f58000 mlang.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.3700.6655
Multi Language Support DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x76620000-0x76664000 MPR.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6611
Multiple Provider Router DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x76b30000-0x76c28000 comdlg32.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.3700.6693
Common Dialogs DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x76c00000-0x76dd0000 WININET.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.3700.6713
Internet Extensions for Win32 C:\WINNT\system32
0x76d90000-0x76edc000 shdoclc.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.3700.6668
Shell Doc Object and Control Library C:\WINNT\System32
0x76fb0000-0x7739c000 MFC42u.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 6.00.9586.0
MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version C:\WINNT\system32
0x77320000-0x7737c000 MPRAPI.DLL 07/12/1999 12:00:00 5.00.2181.1
Windows NT MP Router Administration DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x77340000-0x7738c000 iphlpapi.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6602
IP Helper API C:\WINNT\system32
0x77360000-0x773c4000 DHCPCSVC.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6685
DHCP Client Service C:\WINNT\system32
0x77380000-0x7740c000 ADSLDPC.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6701
ADs LDAP Provider C DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x773b0000-0x7746c000 ACTIVEDS.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6601
ADs Router Layer DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x77430000-0x77470000 MSASN1.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6666
ASN.1 Runtime APIs C:\WINNT\system32
0x77440000-0x77620000 CRYPT32.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04
5.131.2195.6661 Crypto API32
0x774c0000-0x77504000 RASMAN.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6604
Remote Access Connection Manager C:\WINNT\system32
0x774e0000-0x775ac000 RASAPI32.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6625
Remote Access API C:\WINNT\system32
0x77520000-0x77534000 ICMP.DLL 07/12/1999 12:00:00 5.00.2134.1
ICMP DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x77530000-0x775b8000 TAPI32.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6664
MicrosoftR Windows(TM) Telephony API Client DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x775a0000-0x777b8000 CLBCATQ.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 2000.2.3504.0
0x77640000-0x77808000 urlmon.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.3700.6705
OLE32 Extensions for Win32 C:\WINNT\system32
0x777e0000-0x77800000 winrnr.dll 07/12/1999 12:00:00 5.00.2160.1
LDAP RnR Provider DLL C:\WINNT\System32
0x777f0000-0x77804000 rasadhlp.dll 07/12/1999 12:00:00 5.00.2168.1
Remote Access AutoDial Helper C:\WINNT\system32
0x77820000-0x7783c000 VERSION.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6623
Version Checking and File Installation Libraries C:\WINNT\system32
0x77830000-0x77868000 RTUTILS.DLL 07/12/1999 12:00:00 5.00.2168.1
Routing Utilities C:\WINNT\system32
0x77880000-0x77ab8000 SETUPAPI.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6622
Windows Setup API C:\WINNT\system32
0x77950000-0x779f8000 WLDAP32.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6666
Win32 LDAP API DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x77980000-0x77a10000 DNSAPI.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6680
DNS Client API DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x779b0000-0x77c1c000 OLEAUT32.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 2.40.4522
0x77a50000-0x77e2c000 ole32.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6692
Microsoft OLE for Windows C:\WINNT\system32
0x77b50000-0x77d74000 COMCTL32.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.81
Common Controls Library C:\WINNT\system32
0x77c70000-0x77d98000 SHLWAPI.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.3502.6601
Shell Light-weight Utility Library C:\WINNT\system32
0x77d30000-0x77ef4000 RPCRT4.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6701
Remote Procedure Call Runtime C:\WINNT\system32
0x77e10000-0x77fa4000 USER32.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6688
Windows 2000 USER API Client DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x77f40000-0x78030000 GDI32.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6660
GDI Client DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x77f80000-0x7816c000 ntdll.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6685
NT Layer DLL C:\WINNT\system32
0x78000000-0x78114000 MSVCRT.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 6.10.9844.0
Microsoft (R) C Runtime Library C:\WINNT\system32
0x782c0000-0x782f0000 rnr20.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6603
Windows Socket2 NameSpace DLL C:\WINNT\System32
0x782d0000-0x7834c000 msv1_0.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6680
Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0 C:\WINNT\system32
0x782f0000-0x78c10000 SHELL32.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.3700.6705
Windows Shell Common Dll C:\WINNT\system32
0x7c0f0000-0x7c278000 USERENV.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6711
Userenv C:\WINNT\system32
0x7c2d0000-0x7c458000 ADVAPI32.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6710
Advanced Windows 32 Base API C:\WINNT\system32
0x7c340000-0x7c37c000 SECUR32.DLL 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6695
Security Support Provider Interface C:\WINNT\system32
0x7c4e0000-0x7c7c4000 KERNEL32.dll 19/06/2003 04:05:04 5.00.2195.6688
Windows NT BASE API Client DLL C:\WINNT\system32
That deadlock is in the Exchange Address Book Provider
What other threads do?


Sergey V said:
Hello everyone,

I have deadlock (i guess) somewhere in MAPI stuff in my server-side
Thread does not respond during more then 1 minute with stack trace like the
one below.
Do you have some ideas to avoid this?

ThreadID: 0x0bfc
0x77f94091 ZwWaitForSingleObject() + 0xb, ntdll.dll
Prms: 0x00000725, 0x00057e40, 0x00000001, 0x00057e40
0x77d4923b I_RpcTransConnectionAllocatePacket() + 0x7c, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x0013cc00, 0x0013cc30, 0x02f8f5d0, 0x00000001
0x77d4f8f5 NdrContextHandleSize() + 0x25e, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x0013cc00, 0x02f8f6fc, 0x02f8f6f0, 0xffffffff
0x77d491bd I_RpcTransGetThreadEvent() + 0xec6, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x001f62e8, 0x00000100, 0x02f8f6fc, 0x02f8f6f0
0x77d4982a I_RpcTransConnectionAllocatePacket() + 0x66b, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x80000000, 0x001b1db8, 0x00000001, 0x00000018
0x77d497a0 I_RpcTransConnectionAllocatePacket() + 0x5e1, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x02f8f6fc, 0x02f8f6f0
0x77d49619 I_RpcTransConnectionAllocatePacket() + 0x45a, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x00000000, 0x02f8f744, 0x001f6300, 0x001b1db8
0x77d49577 I_RpcTransConnectionAllocatePacket() + 0x3b8, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x02f8f94c, 0x02f8f744, 0x02f8f998, 0x02f8f94c
0x77d49455 I_RpcTransConnectionAllocatePacket() + 0x296, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x00000000, 0x02f8fb44, 0x77d36f9b, 0x02f8f94c
0x77d36f6c I_RpcSendReceive() + 0x22, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x02f8f94c, 0x00000008, 0x6284204c, 0x62841a50
0x77d36f9b NdrSendReceive() + 0x2b, RPCRT4.DLL
Prms: 0x62841a50, 0x62842004, 0x02f8fb5c, 0x62849126
^^^^^^^ that network stuff
0x62854125 ---, EMSABP32.DLL
0x62843b78 ---, EMSABP32.DLL
0x62d25065 OpenTnefStream() + 0x41d4, MAPI32.dll
Prms: 0x018f1f60, 0x0186eb40, 0x62d5e6b4, 0x80000000
0x62cd7415 HrThisThreadAdviseSink() + 0x18c1, MAPI32.dll
Prms: 0x018f1f60, 0x00000000, 0x80000000, 0x00000000
0x0044c88b CMapiSession::resolve(), MapiSession.cpp:479 -
addrBook->ResolveName() is called here
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that is mapi portion of code