Last week I connected my pc to LCD 32inch tv. It was working fine for a couple of hours then the pc just switch off and rebooted. It then got to the login screen then would reboot again, this happened a few time until I switch the pc off and left it for 24 hours. I switched the pc on and it would only go as far as the login page then reboot again.
I have since cleaned the cpu fan as it was quite ditry but now the pc will not start at all. When I turn the tower on it makes no beeping sound but the fan is now quite noisy, the harddrive light and power light is showing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have since cleaned the cpu fan as it was quite ditry but now the pc will not start at all. When I turn the tower on it makes no beeping sound but the fan is now quite noisy, the harddrive light and power light is showing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.