Otto Moehrbach
Vista Home Premium
Sometimes, not every time, when I bring the computer out of Standby
(sleep), the mouse will not operate at all (mouse pointer will not move). I
can usually fix this by putting the computer back in Standby and bringing it
out of Standby again. I have a "Sleep" button on my keyboard so I don't
need the mouse to put the computer to sleep. Is there anything I can do to
fix this problem? Thanks for your time. Otto
Sometimes, not every time, when I bring the computer out of Standby
(sleep), the mouse will not operate at all (mouse pointer will not move). I
can usually fix this by putting the computer back in Standby and bringing it
out of Standby again. I have a "Sleep" button on my keyboard so I don't
need the mouse to put the computer to sleep. Is there anything I can do to
fix this problem? Thanks for your time. Otto