Surprise of surprises. My main hd is giving me the black screen routine. It
wants me to slip in a disk to boot up. What I disk? I tried my install CD,
but I don't think that's the story.
In any case,I took out the hd and put it into another machine. It was not
detected. However, I'm not convinced there was some other difficulty there.
So let me ask if that was right, then I would think the hd is dead. Possibly
it doesn't power up. How would anyone get data off it if there's no way to
power it up or even if some mechanical failure occurred?
I suppose it could be the case it does receive power. If so what's the next
step to get at the data or find out what's ailing it?
wants me to slip in a disk to boot up. What I disk? I tried my install CD,
but I don't think that's the story.
In any case,I took out the hd and put it into another machine. It was not
detected. However, I'm not convinced there was some other difficulty there.
So let me ask if that was right, then I would think the hd is dead. Possibly
it doesn't power up. How would anyone get data off it if there's no way to
power it up or even if some mechanical failure occurred?
I suppose it could be the case it does receive power. If so what's the next
step to get at the data or find out what's ailing it?