I have a worksheet that has a circualr reference in it. I need a macro or
code so I can deactivate the formula on close.
I have set up a code to set my interations on opening the file but the
spreadsheet does its calcualtions before my interation macro runs, so the
user gets a circualr reference message. It has been suggested to me to
deactivate the formula on close and then reactivate it after my interation
macro ran would work. The problem is, I am too dumb to figure out how to
deactivate the formula. Any help or advise would be appreciated. Thanks!
code so I can deactivate the formula on close.
I have set up a code to set my interations on opening the file but the
spreadsheet does its calcualtions before my interation macro runs, so the
user gets a circualr reference message. It has been suggested to me to
deactivate the formula on close and then reactivate it after my interation
macro ran would work. The problem is, I am too dumb to figure out how to
deactivate the formula. Any help or advise would be appreciated. Thanks!