DDR400 Problems (on shuttle)

Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
After getting a new 6800gt I noticed it's performance was a bit lower than it should, so I reformated my hard drive, re-installed windows, installed the latest motherboard/sound drivers, installed the latest graphics driver, installed service pack 2, and update the BIOS.

Immediately after I tried to run 3dmark05 the performance would be jerky and eventually the PC would go to the blue screen of death. I couldn't play any games either. Eventually I sniffed out the problem by going into the BIOS and tuning my 400drr memory down to run at 333, and everything is fine. And my 3DMark05 score went right up to what you'd expect.

However, with my old 128mb 6800 vanilla it was fine at 400ddr. AND I STILL WANT MY 400DDR MEMORY TO RUN AT 400DDR!!! I've tried fiddling with the timings, but it doesn't seem as though that will make a difference. Im also running on a Shuttle SFF PC - So its very paranoid about overclocking.

Any ideas?!
Me__2001 said:
what model and what CPU?

SN41G2V2, With a AthlonXP 3200+

This is especially annoying as I'm aware that you always get a better performance when the memory and FSB are synchronised - at the moment I'm stuck with 200fsb with only 83% Memory speed... Ggrrr..
Well, its Corsair so it should be fine. The point is, it had been running fine for about 6 months. Im tempted to just reformat and reinstall everything again, but it seems a BIOS problem. The only possible explanation is that my new 6800gt is sucking up more power than my old 6800 vanilla was, and that's causing problems...it doesn't seem likely tho..