Hey all,
I was hoping someone could help me out with this.I may have posted it in
another group as well.
I have the Chaintech VNF3-250(BIOS 10/19/2004), A64 2800+ and 512MB
Buffalotech(winbond) PC3700 DDR.
I have the system running at 218 FSB(CAS 2.5,3,3,7,10) and it shows 1971 at
boot. But,the DDR shows 365mhz. When I first got the mobo/cpu the ram did
show 400mhz so I know it can do it. But the original BIOS was buggy as hell.
The last two BIOS versions won't give me 400. Any ideas?Thanks
I was hoping someone could help me out with this.I may have posted it in
another group as well.
I have the Chaintech VNF3-250(BIOS 10/19/2004), A64 2800+ and 512MB
Buffalotech(winbond) PC3700 DDR.
I have the system running at 218 FSB(CAS 2.5,3,3,7,10) and it shows 1971 at
boot. But,the DDR shows 365mhz. When I first got the mobo/cpu the ram did
show 400mhz so I know it can do it. But the original BIOS was buggy as hell.
The last two BIOS versions won't give me 400. Any ideas?Thanks