This DCount() turns me mad..........
I realy get 9 ????????????? And this was just a tryout because on the real
table where I did expect 63 I got 92. A regular query with criterea
<Date()+45 gives me 63.
I have tried it on 2 computers?
FYI I do use Office Access 2003 SP2 on a XP SP2 Os.
Below the table structure
Name Type
Long Integer 4
AllowZeroLength: False
Attributes: Fixed Size,
CollatingOrder: General
ColumnHidden: False
ColumnOrder: Default
ColumnWidth: Default
DataUpdatable: False
GUID: {guid
OrdinalPosition: 0
Required: False
SourceField: fID
SourceTable: tblData
Text 20
AllowZeroLength: True
Attributes: Variable Length
CollatingOrder: General
ColumnHidden: False
ColumnOrder: Default
ColumnWidth: Default
DataUpdatable: False
DisplayControl: Text Box
GUID: {guid
IMEMode: 0
IMESentenceMode: 3
OrdinalPosition: 1
Required: False
SourceField: fText
SourceTable: tblData
UnicodeCompression: True
Date/Time 8
AllowZeroLength: False
Attributes: Fixed Size
CollatingOrder: General
ColumnHidden: False
ColumnOrder: Default
ColumnWidth: Default
DataUpdatable: False
Format: dd/mm/yyyy
GUID: {guid
IMEMode: 0
IMESentenceMode: 3
OrdinalPosition: 2
Required: False
SourceField: fDate
SourceTable: tblData
Date/Time 8
AllowZeroLength: False
Attributes: Fixed Size
CollatingOrder: General
ColumnHidden: False
ColumnOrder: Default
ColumnWidth: Default
DataUpdatable: False
DefaultValue: =Now()
Format: dd/mm/yyyy
GUID: {guid
IMEMode: 0
IMESentenceMode: 3
OrdinalPosition: 3
Required: False
SourceField: fAddDate
SourceTable: tblData
What I need to achieve it a form where in just one single number (Dcount)
the user can see, how many certificates expired (like Medical, Passport, Sea
Survival training, etc.) from an employee. This should than trigger further
Would there be a better method?
Rick Brandt said:
Vsn said:
Thx, so far.
Still the out come is not as I did expect it to be.
I have a table as below:-
fID fText fDate fAddDate
1 Hallo 25-11-2005 26-11-2005
2 Cheff 26-11-2006 26-11-2005
3 Vink 24-10-2004 26-11-2005
4 Simon 23-10-2004 26-11-2005
5 Henk 22-11-2008 26-11-2005
6 Jan 12-08-2005 26-11-2005
7 Tinus 13-09-2006 26-11-2005
8 Gert 12-12-2006 26-11-2005
9 Pieter 12-12-2005 26-11-2005
10 James 11-11-2006 26-11-2005
11 David 11-05-2005 26-11-2005
12 Robert 12-04-2003 26-11-2005
13 Willem 05-07-2003 26-11-2005
my text box control source is =DCount("fDate","tblData","fDate < #" &
Date()+45 & "#")
I do expect the number returned to be 8 however I do get 9.
Sorry, BUt I created this exact table structure and the DCount() expresson
gives me 8, not 9.
Are these actual DateTime Data Types or Text? A date comparison is not
going to be correct when applied to a text field that just happens to have
dates entered into it. The comparison will be alphabetical rather than
Last question which keeps me busy:
Can I use a SQL query in the domain instead of the table name as:-
=DCount("fDate",[SELECT tblData.fText, tblData.fDate
No. A Domain function's second argument has to be the name of a saved
table or query.