In my report, I'm using the following formula to count
records: =DCount("[Case
ID+]","sqryAllDataRepList","[Arrival Time] Between #" &
[Forms]![frmSLAReportDialogBox]![BeginningDate] & "# and
#" & [Forms]![frmSLAReportDialogBox]![EndingDate] & "#")
It works fine. But in addition to [Arrival Time], I also
need to filter on [RepLocation]. And I can't get that to
work. For example, I need to count records where
[Arrival Time] is between may and june and where
records: =DCount("[Case
ID+]","sqryAllDataRepList","[Arrival Time] Between #" &
[Forms]![frmSLAReportDialogBox]![BeginningDate] & "# and
#" & [Forms]![frmSLAReportDialogBox]![EndingDate] & "#")
It works fine. But in addition to [Arrival Time], I also
need to filter on [RepLocation]. And I can't get that to
work. For example, I need to count records where
[Arrival Time] is between may and june and where