Leslie Isaacs
Hello All
I have a module that needs to carry out one of two sets of actions,
depending on whether or not there are any records in a certain table with
given values in 2 particular fields. The table is called [x confirmed], and
the two fields to be tested are [practice] and [month name]. If there are
any records in [x confirmed] with value of [Forms]![frm x main]![prac name]
and [Forms]![frm x main]![month name] respectively in [practice] and [month
name] then I need the first set of actions, otherwise I need the second set
of actions.
The expression I have used in the module is:
If DCount("*", "[x confirmed]", "((practice='" & [Forms]![frm x main]![prac
name] & "')and([month name]='" & [Forms]![frm x main]![month name] & "'))")
This generally seems to work fine, but today it went the wrong way for one
particular [practice] - i.e. in a situation where there were no
corresponding records in [x confirmed] the 'true case' set of actions were
carried out.
In order to look at the results being returned by the above expression I
pasted it into a text field on a form, to find that it returned a #error for
the situation in question: it returned a correct zero for other cases where
there were no corresponding records in [x confirmed].
So what is happening?!
I would be very grateful for any help.
Many thanks
I have a module that needs to carry out one of two sets of actions,
depending on whether or not there are any records in a certain table with
given values in 2 particular fields. The table is called [x confirmed], and
the two fields to be tested are [practice] and [month name]. If there are
any records in [x confirmed] with value of [Forms]![frm x main]![prac name]
and [Forms]![frm x main]![month name] respectively in [practice] and [month
name] then I need the first set of actions, otherwise I need the second set
of actions.
The expression I have used in the module is:
If DCount("*", "[x confirmed]", "((practice='" & [Forms]![frm x main]![prac
name] & "')and([month name]='" & [Forms]![frm x main]![month name] & "'))")
0 Then ...
This generally seems to work fine, but today it went the wrong way for one
particular [practice] - i.e. in a situation where there were no
corresponding records in [x confirmed] the 'true case' set of actions were
carried out.
In order to look at the results being returned by the above expression I
pasted it into a text field on a form, to find that it returned a #error for
the situation in question: it returned a correct zero for other cases where
there were no corresponding records in [x confirmed].
So what is happening?!
I would be very grateful for any help.
Many thanks