I am trying to make a count of records meeting criteria for demographic
groups in a report. One section includes age brackets. I can get everything
to work using the DCount function in text boxes, but when I try mathematical
criteria, such as:
=DCount("[DTHI1]","program count q","[DTHI1] =true and [FY 05 Age]<21")
or =DCount("[DTHI1]","program count q","[DTHI1] =true and [FY 05 Age]
Between 21 And 40")
I get errors displayed in the text boxes.
I need to count clients within the following age brackets: under 21, 21-40,
41-65, 66-75, and over 75
[FY 05 Age] is a calculated field in a query using DateDiff(["yyyy",
[Birthdate], #6/30/2005#)
Does the DateDiff function not produce numerical values or something? What
am I doing wrong?
groups in a report. One section includes age brackets. I can get everything
to work using the DCount function in text boxes, but when I try mathematical
criteria, such as:
=DCount("[DTHI1]","program count q","[DTHI1] =true and [FY 05 Age]<21")
or =DCount("[DTHI1]","program count q","[DTHI1] =true and [FY 05 Age]
Between 21 And 40")
I get errors displayed in the text boxes.
I need to count clients within the following age brackets: under 21, 21-40,
41-65, 66-75, and over 75
[FY 05 Age] is a calculated field in a query using DateDiff(["yyyy",
[Birthdate], #6/30/2005#)
Does the DateDiff function not produce numerical values or something? What
am I doing wrong?