Since Active Directory Database seems to be corrupted for you at your
promoted Domain Controller in the forest that by default hold all five FSMO
roles. You can't move the FSMO roles and have to look for seizure the FSMO
roles to another Domain Controller but before you take this step. You should
successfully remove this corrupted Domain Controller from the Active
Directory see the article below to do so.
HOW TO: Remove Data in Active Directory After an Unsuccessful Domain
Controller Demotion:;EN-US;216498
See the follow articles for seizing the roles to another Domain controller.
Using Ntdsutil.exe to Seize or Transfer FSMO Roles to a Domain Controller:;en-us;255504
Flexible Single Master Operation Transfer and Seizure Process:;en-us;223787
FSMO Placement and Optimization on Windows 2000 Domain Controllers:;en-us;223346
If the database are corrupted and Active Directory can't start last changes
supposed to be on another Domain Controller.
Christoffer Andersson
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bill said:
Thanks Christopher. I guess my only option then is to reinstall Windows
2000 and then DCPROMO to create Domain Controller. Is there a way to view
the current configuration between the primary DC and the 2nd DC? If it was
setup as a add'l DC on an existing Domain or a new child etc? Also the
current FSMO settings? thanks again