.dbx files and outlook express


Confused still

Ok....SP2 did it to me...lost my outlook express....it is
back on now, but I have lost all my emails and my address
book. I hear that I should look for .dbx files, but do
not know where to find these so called hidden files. Can
anyone walk me step by step on how to get back my lost
outlook express ?

Thanks for you help and MS....next time work out the bugs
first !


I, as well, hear you are supposed to do:

1. Click 'Start'
2. Click 'Search'
3. Do an all files and folders search and in the options
select search hidden files and folders.

Confused as usual

Hi Tony: I did a seach for .dbx files and it comes up
with none...was wondering if there was a different way of
finding them?



You first need to have show hidden files selected in
Folder Options, then go to Documents and Settings. Go to
your profile and select Local Settings>Application
Data>Identities> You might have a few folders with
{2E15..... for example. open them up and you`ll see
microsoft>outlook express. Your dbx files are there.


Kath Adams

In OE>tools>options>maintenance>store folder and write the location
Close OE.

Start>control panel>folder options>view>show hidden files and folders -

Start>search>for files and folders>*.dbx

When the search results show, you may notice dbx folders in other
locations/or with numbers appended such as Inbox(1).dbx

The ones without numbers are your old folders.

In OE, file>import and point to where you found the folders you are

For the address book search for *.wab

A better NG for OE problems -

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