DbProviderFactory, System.Data.Common, huh?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jeff Jarrell
  • Start date Start date

Jeff Jarrell

I finally stumbled across the DbProviderFactory in System.Data.Common. I
had a similar factory in my framework but I thought it would be better to
use the framework code, so of I went to change the code.

As I was doing this it is apparent that when using the DbProvider (both the
base and the derived types), they do not have any of the additional method
signatures on the Create???.

DbProviderFactory.CreateParameter(). First thing you need to do is to at
least assign a name, then perhaps a type. In the MSSQL client there are
seven signatures. Some of which are essential for working with datasets and

So correct me if I am wrong, but I need to write a wrapper\helper\factory
method of encapsulate DbProviderFactory to provide some of the additional
signatures. Seems like the idea is a little half-baked. Aargh...
