dbl click unbound text box to bring up that report

  • Thread starter Thread starter andrew v via AccessMonster.com
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andrew v via AccessMonster.com

i have an unbound text box that generates a number showing how many people
are signed in.

here's what i would like to do...
1. single click - bring up the report showing who's reserved a seat for
that date and session
2. double click - bring up my sign in sheet report

reports are: rptEVENTS and rptSIGN IN

i know that you can do this from the text box properties single/double

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptEVENTS", acViewPreview
(somewhere here add the coding for "date()" and "PM" session)

thanks in advance...
andrew said:
i have an unbound text box that generates a number showing how many people
are signed in.

here's what i would like to do...
1. single click - bring up the report showing who's reserved a seat for
that date and session
2. double click - bring up my sign in sheet report

reports are: rptEVENTS and rptSIGN IN

i know that you can do this from the text box properties single/double

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptEVENTS", acViewPreview
(somewhere here add the coding for "date()" and "PM" session)

Not a good idea! A double click will also trigger the Click
event so both reports would be run. Better to have separate
command buttons for each report.

The reports can be filtered by using the OpenReport method's
WhereCondition argument (see Help for details). For

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptEVENTS", acViewPreview, _
WhereCondition:="datefield=#" & Date & _
" AND PM = " & pmvalue
if the PM field is a text type field then the last line
would be:
" AND PM = """ & pmvalue & """"
is it possible to use right click and left click for coding on an unbound
text box for this?
andrew said:
is it possible to use right click and left click for coding on an unbound
text box for this?

Yes. Use the text box's MouseUp event so you can detect the
button. See Help for details.
Are you still insisting on using this really bad idea? First, a user must
know to click or double click. This is not intuitive. A command button for
each report is correct way to do this.