Db sample Acess 2003


Janis Rough

I have one other question about a demo. If my db sample is 2003 Access if
the client has 2007 Access will it open my 2003 db okay? It is not a server
project only a stand alone db.


John W. Vinson

I have one other question about a demo. If my db sample is 2003 Access if
the client has 2007 Access will it open my 2003 db okay? It is not a server
project only a stand alone db.

If you're not familiar with the A2007 working environment, allow half a day to
get to that state. It's VERY different and very confusing if you are only
familiar with earlier versions. I'd be very, very leery of attempting to demo
an app in 2007 that was developed in 2003... and would flat refuse to do so if
I had no experience with 2007.

John W. Vinson [MVP]

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